Buy in bulk and SAVE $$$$
Our Devils Harvest Bulk Nutrient Kit 1L has everything you need from start to finish! This kit makes over 5000 litres of grow nutrients and 5000 litres of flower nutrients.
1 x Devils Harvest Grow AB 20L
1 x Devils Harvest Maximiser Grow 20L
1 x Devils Harvest Flower AB 20L
1 x Devils Harvest Maximiser Flower 20L
1 x Devils Harvest PK Booster 20L
1 x Devils Harvest Silica 5L
1 x Devils Harvest Flush’n’Feed 5L
1 x Cyco pH Down 1L
All Devils Harvest products have been scientifically formulated using the highest quality and purest of raw materials possible.
Take note to use all nutrients at a maximum rate of 5ml per litre when using Pure water or 4ml per litre with hard (tap) water.
Devils Harvest nutrients are made in Australia with 15 years of hard knock-research methodology and experience.