Synthetic Urine for all research purposes!
Quick Fix by Spectrum Labs is the number one choice for people that need clean pee. Our world famous product is developed to have the chemical makeup of clean human urine. It’s the perfect control sample for scientific testing.
Other synthetics on the market have tried to make a quick buck by ripping off our formula. Some counterfeiters have come up with similar names. Some websites have even stolen our graphics to try and make their bootleg products appear to be the real thing.
This synthetic urine kit contains 2 ounces of urine, a heat pack and everything else you need for a clean urine sample.
Quick Fix Directions For Use:
Activate hand warmer prior to heating up Quick Fix (may take 30-45 minutes for hand warmer to heat up).
Shake the bottle and microwave on high for 7-10 seconds. The temperature strip should display a green dot in a range of 94° – 100°F. If the bottle feels warm in your hand, but is not showing a reading on the temperature strip, the synthetic urine is overheated. Simply let it cool down gradually until you see a reading on the temperature strip. If the synthetic urine temperature is below 94°, heat again in the microwave for a few more seconds until you see the green dot on the temperature strip between 94° – 100°F.
Now attach the hand warmer with tape or rubber band to the back of the bottle, opposite the temperature strip. This will provide prolonged heat, keeping the bottle temperature near 100°F for approximately five hours.
If you can’t microwave the Quick Fix, simply attach the hand warmer to bottle at least 1 hour prior to your test. Shake bottle before and after heating and prior to pouring into cup.
Unused product can be reheated repeatedly as needed.
Always check your batch number in the batch validation tool found on our home page before using the product. See bottle for batch numbers.