Pass Your Test, Keep Your Job!
B-Clear is the ultimate 1-hour oral detox agent. Designed to remove all traces of toxins from your body, especially urine. It is essential for the modern lifestyle. Party hard without fear of failing your test!
This product contains all-natural ingredients such as herbal extracts, carbohydrates, vitamins and creatine. It is non-detectable in tests as it is not a chemical masking agent. The manufacturers have attained a 99.5% success rate when trialled under controlled test conditions.
B-Clear Directions for Use
- Shake thoroughly
- Drink the entire bottle
- Wait 15 mins
- Refill Bottle with water and drink
- Urinate 2-3 times in the next 45mins
- Toxins are now masked for the next 1-5 hours!
*Please Note: B-Clear is formulated for all users up to 91kg. If you are above this weight it is recommended to use it along with Power Flush Tablets by Ultra Klean.
High Toxin Levels
Frequent or heavy users with high toxin levels must use Power Flush Tablets as well. For optimal results take Power Flush 1 hour before B-Clear.
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